Thursday, March 27, 2008

“Was Tookie truly sorry for his crimes and was he redeemed? How does he show in his apology that he was sorry?”

I think tookie williams was sorry for his crimes. I fell he didnt mean for the crips to be this dangerous. He should of been given a seconed chance. It really was not his foult for everything the crips are doin. In his apology he said "So today I apologize to you all -- the children of America and South Africa -- who must cope every day with dangerous street gangs". he really was sorry for what he did and created. I bet he didnt think that the crips would get this out of control. HE was trying to turn his life around but sadly he was exicuted for a crime he said he did not commite. By making his childrens book "life in prison' he wanted to stop kids from getting into jail before it happens. I personally think that tookie was a good man and was truely sorry for what he did. he should have not gotten the punishment that he recived(death by leathal injection).

Monday, March 10, 2008

I think the movie was great i really good. It exposed the life of the people from watts even though it showed the movie though the cops eyes.If i lived in watts i dont know what i would do i would ether move of stay in my house all day i would be really scared to walk outside by myself. things in the movie were really crazy especally when people got shot. things got hecktic in that move it involed gangs drugs and many other problems people faced from watts. The drive by's were crazt in totall there were about three drive bys in the movie.

"colors" movie review

This movie showed alot about the people who lived in WATTS. It really made me understand how hard it is to live in a place like watts. What shocked me the most was the amount of cops who are in that area & and all the gangs. In watts the cops are really outnumberd. The movie evened showed a teenager about my age who used drugs. My favorate part was when the crip said 'wat up blood" and shot him with a shot gun it was amazing how careless he was when he shot him. Another good part was when the cop chased the suspected drug dealer(high top) and when he fought him in the resteraunt. The cop pacman was really a jerk i think he abbused his athority he harassed many people no body really like him from watts they mostly like the veterain cop was really fare to all the people he cought he was a good cop he uderstood all the gang members and some gangmembers trusted him he really new what he was doing and was trying to make pacman uderstand what he was doing. Overall the movie was very good and showed how the people from watts live.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

freedom writters diary

if i was pressured to be in a gang by a friend i would defantley say no.i also would pressure him to get out the gang because none of my close friends would be in a gang.

freedom writters diary

i relate moost to the freedom writter who likes to tag.i dont tag but to stay away from trouble i play sports or my games to keep me occupied.

Friday, January 18, 2008


One time my mother went to work and she said before i do anything or go outside I have to walk my dog.As soon as my mother left i went outside without walking my dog